Public service broadcasting: blog tasks
Ofcom report
Read the first few pages of this Ofcom report into Public Service Broadcasting in 2017.
The ofcom report suggest that TV viewing is changing as people are increasingly viewing content in a variety of different ways.
There are many differences highlighted between younger and older viewers. Older viewers tend to watch more TV on average whereas younger audiences tend to watch TV in comparison.
The report suggests that public service broadcasting remains highly valued. 78% of regular or occasional viewers of any PSB claim to be satisfied.
The PSB channels spent a total of £2.6bn on first-run UK-originated content in 2016,
Goldsmiths report
Goldsmiths report
New technology has facilitated on-demand access to television content, and created
new services and platforms, while consumer behaviour has started to change rapidly, particularly among the young.
The report states that the BBC’s funding through the licence fee is vulnerable as there are changes and advances in technology and consumption.
The report states that the BBC should replace the licence fee as soon as is practically possible with a more progressive funding mechanism such as a tiered platform-neutral household fee.
The article states that it has cut programme spending; it has largely abandoned arts programming and has been criticised for not doing enough for older children.
The article states that Channel 4 should significantly increase its provision for older children and young adults
and restore some of the arts programming that has been in decline in recent years.
The report states that Television with the characteristics of public service broadcasting now appears outside the public service system. An example of this is Netflix and Amazon,
Final questions - my opinion on public service broadcasting
Final questions - my opinion on public service broadcasting
In my opinion, the BBC should retain its position as the UK’s public service broadcaster. I believe the BBC is informative and very great when it comes to entertainment. Additionally, its lack of ads make viewing time much more satisfying for audiences.
I believe that there is a role for the BBC in the digital world. However, if they want to be successful then they should definitely take a different approach to it than they did with BBC Three.
The BBC’s funding model should definitely change within the next few years as audiences are not neccisarily paying for TV licence as most of them do not watch TV.
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