My media consumption.
- I do not read newspapers regularly. When I do, I turn to the pages that are featured n the front cover. I usually do not read sections that include the UK government. I usually read stories about crime or tragedies, I find it very interesting and I get engaged in the stories. The newspapers I read are usually free ones that you can pick up. I do not look for online versions of newspapers online.
I do not buy magazines regularly. The last time I bought a magazine for myself was over 2 years ago. However, I have read magazines that my mum has brought home. When I would read them, I would read the celebrity section or news section. I don't usually avoid sections.
- I do not watch television often but if I do, I would only spend 10.5 hours a week and 1.5 hours a day watching it This is because the only time I watch it is at dinner time with the family; which is usually around 5;30/6 pm. I rarely watch TV alone. The best programmes to watch on TV is usually reality TV shows or contest shows. Cartoons are also pretty good to watch on TV. The type of television that I watch is commonly live TV. I rarely watch TV on catch up. However, occasionally I enjoy catching up on episodes of soaps that I haven't seen. I would watch catch up TV on my phone or on my PlayStation that is connected to the TV.
- I also do not regularly listen to the radio but when I do I like to listen to and Capital Xtra. The music that they play on those two stations is very similar to the music I listen to in my free time.
- If I am listening to podcasts it would usually be the ones that are created by my favourite creators on YouTube. I would typically spend 2-3 hours a week listening to podcasts. However, with radio, the amount of time I spend listening to radio fluctuates dramatically as the only time I listen to radio is when I'm in the car and I am not in a car often. I listen to podcasts on YouTube.I will usually be doing household activities such as washing dishes or cleaning my room whilst listening to a podcast. The remaining of my family doesn't listen to podcasts and they do not listen to the radio often. Similarly to me, they will only listen to the radio when they are in the car.
- COVID has made it quite hard to engage in normal outdoor activities that I would usually do. This includes going to the cinema. I have only gone to the cinema once this month and that was to watch the movie Onward. I have watched an array of films on Netflix. These films range from horror to comedy to action. I have watched films with my family and friends. My friends and I took it in turns to decide what movie to watch. I usually watch films on my TV. I am alone then I will watch it on my phone but that is occasionally.
- I access the internet every day. I access it at school and home. I would typically go on clothing sites or sites to do my work or assist me with the completion of it. I access some of these sites for information, especially the ones for school. The clothing websites are to make purchases. I also go on social media whilst accessing the internet. My primary device for accessing the internet is my phone. I also use my laptop. I regularly use Instagram, Tik Tok and Twitter.
- I could develop the amount of media I consume by reading more newspapers regularly. I will try to cut down on the amount of time spent consuming media on my phone. Three sources of media that I will start to access this year are newspapers, magazines and Television.
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