Reading An Image
Reebok collaborated with 50 Cent to produce this advert to encourage viewers to purchase products from Reebok. This advert contains a split image element. On the left-hand side, 50 Cent is featured. 50 Cent is seen with a stern and domineering look upon his face, the use of key lighting creates dramatic shadows that accentuate these expressions. This presents him as strong and assert. on the right-hand side, an image of fingerprints is shown. 50 Cent, before his music career, was notorious for gang affiliation and involvement with drugs. Reebok incorporates this knowledge in this advert by displaying, what appears to be, his fingerprint presented to the audience. These fingerprints, along with the text that is displayed into the foreground, plays with the idea that no matter what your background is, you can be something great. The fact that the two images are placed side by side could suggest that 50 Cent accepts his past and is not ashamed of it, the composition of the pictures, side by side, could reflect him 'standing by' his past mistakes. Reebok could've potentially done this to further push the thought that success isn't determined on the person you used to be, rather the person you are today. However, this could be misinterpreted by older audiences. Although the profound meaning of this advert was positive, some audience could potentially suggest that this promotes gang activity or delinquency by glamorising it.
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